Basic Stage Requirements - Clear Dance Space:

  1. Minimum – 20 ft deep X 28 ft wide

  2. Ideal – 24 ft deep X 32 ft wide

  3. Fantastic – 28 ft deep X 40 ft wide


Basic Requirements - Backstage:

  1. Dressing rooms (at least 1 male & 1 female) to accommodate up to 16 performers plus a minimum of 32 chairs

  2. Quick change areas close to the stage on both SR & SL

  3. Secure storage overnight for costumes and instruments


Sound Requirements:

  1. As Vinok’s musicians play the melodic lead for many of the pieces, the performance is better if they are amplified. Vinok has a wireless mic system for their four musicians, which needs to be plugged into the house system. If monitors are unavailable, Vinok can arrange their own.


Set up & Strike: 

  1. Loading and parking areas will be needed for the duration of the show, set-up and strike times.  Depending on your venue size and load-in time available, Vinok may require up to a 2 – 3 member Load In/Out Crew who are familiar with the venue.  Set up time takes up to 6 hours and strike time is up to 2 hours.